Teemme virallisia käännöksiä suomi-espanja ja espanja- suomi. Monna Laakso on Espanjan ulkoministeriön nimittämä laillistettu kielenkääntäjä. Lista virallisista kielenkääntäjistä löytyy täältä. http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/es/ServiciosAlCiudadano/Documents/14%20de%20marzo%20de%202017.pdf
The most common mistakes made by non-residents property owners in Spain are the two following: – to ignore that they are liable to file a yearly non-resident income tax return. – to think that their liabilities are just to complete...
This tax is a local tax levied by the town hall on properties when they are sold or inherited. The taxable item is the increase on the value of the plot on which the property stands. The liability is calculated on the...